1. Contact Enhanced Component by Douglas Machado

  • GOOGLE MAPS and Directions
  • HTML Emails & Templates
  • Campaign Monitor Newsletter integration

2. PWeb Ajax Popup Contact Form by Perfect-Web

  • - standard fields: name, email, phone, message
  • – message character limit
  • – 5 custom fields type of: text, textarea, select list, multiple select, radio group, checkbox group, calendar
  • – setting almost all fields as required or not
  • – change „Ask a question” text to custom one or hide it
  • – multiple recipients
  • – show list of recipients in contact form
  • – selected Joomla User as recipient
  • – blind carbon copy recipients (BCC)
  • – reply to email
  • – automatically fill in User name and email if User is logged in
  • – sending copy of email to sender
  • – email template files separate for user and admin (plain text and HTML)
  • – select language for admin email
  • – referrer page and IP in admin email
  • – custom email subject
  • – custom success message
  • – page redirect to URL or menu item after sending email
  • – Google Analytics Tracking Page View after sending email
  • – Google AdWords Conversion Tracking
  • – pre-text displayed above contact form
  • – Joomla native JavaScript validation with AJAX submit
  • – no captcha anti-spam function needed
  • – protected form email flood
  • – custom styles defined in module configuration: font size and color, background color
  • – trigger event which open contact form with custom link or image
  • – debug mode

3. Fox Contact Form by Demis Palma

A fast and very easy to setup contact form designed for Joomla 1.6. Tableless and css styled output simplify integration in your website.

4. 1901 Contact

This module install, is a simple contact form ,you can install in just two clicks, Then you must just insert the destination email. All field are customizable.

5. Rapid Contact

Rapid Contact. Lightweight, fast and easy, configuring a contact form, was never a pleasure before. Rapid Contact is a FREE module for Joomla! 1.5. It is a very simple contact form, for providing your clients a REALLY FAST contact support!

6. aiContactSafe by Algis Info Grup

An AJAX driven Joomla! 1.5.x component to place a contact form anywhere on your web page with any number of custom fields of different types, including attachments.

7. Ajax Contact

OpenSource AJAX Contact is powered by MooTools, a Javascript Library, which is needed for the ajax functionality and for the form validation. MooTools is the same library that Joomla uses, therefore there is no need to include a lot of files and the result is a very light weight module.

8. Flexi Contact

FlexiContact is a simple but flexible contact form. It is very quick and easy to setup, but has lots of options.

9. ALFcontact

ALFcontact is a small ‘Contact Us’ form.

The purpose of ALFcontact is to provide a contactform with enough features to make it usefull and appealing whithout making it overly complicated.
Basically the form gives you the option to send messages to different aliases based on your accesslevel, these aliases are defined in the administrator section, each with their own set of options.

10. Free Contact

Free Contact. is an easy configuring a contact form and very fast.  Free Contact is FREE module for all for Joomla! 1.5.

11. Amplify Contact Module

A simple Joomla 1.5 contact form module that can be published in any module position and will show a name, email, tel, and message fields. This module has field validation as well as its own style sheet to allow you to customise the look of the contact form for your website.

12. Simple Email Form

Lightweight email contact form with 9 configurable fields, including a configurable text area, a field for uploading attachments to the email, and a CAPTCHA based in Text_CAPTCHA from the PEAR library (included).

13. ContactMap

ContactMap is a FREE component for Joomla! 1.5. It is a very simple contact form, for providing your clients a REALLY FAST contact support, with a Google Map of her location! You have four fields: Name, email, Subject and Message. User submits data, you get a mail in no time.

14. Fast Contact

An easy to use contact form with more fields and settings.  Really full customizable. You can use 2 dropdown boxes and telephone, and you can customize the labels and selections of them.
It use’s the default Joomla sending mail system.

15. Shape 5 Quick Contact

The S5 Quick Contact module is a simple way for your visitors to get in contact with you. Sometimes full contact pages are just too much. If you’re looking for an easy way to stay in contact with your visitors this module is for you. The S5 Quick Contact module has fully configurable language settings, sends emails to a specified admin account, three forms of spam protection and much more! And of course it’s free!


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