
1. BreezingForms by Crosstec Solutions

Three interfaces for non-programmers, designers and technicians! Create powerful and ergonomic forms in minutes. Includes useful features like file upload progress bar, summary pages, pay to download, turn fields on/off, effects and more. All three modes share the same power but each has its own audience: - QuickMode:  A form editor for the non-programmer and people who want their forms to be done very quickly but nice looking. - EasyMode:  A form editor for layout centric form creation. Very powerful but simple in usage. Ideal for designers. - ClassicMode:  A wysiwyg editor for creating forms. For technicians and fans of FacileForms.

2. RSform Pro by

RSForm!Pro comes with hot new features like:

  • Ajax validation for fields
  • Mailchimp Integration
  • The only Joomla! form manager 100% built with Joomla! 1.5 & Joomla! 1.6 MVC architecture
  • Easy multi-page form creation
  • Drag and Drop order change for form items
  • Salesforce integration with custom fields
  • Custom submissions (you can display and export what columns you wish)
  • Export to excel
  • Custom CSS and Javascript in your form

3. Proforms by Mad4Media

This is a fork of Mad4Joomla Mailforms with endless new features and much improved usability. Proforms is a very easy to use Joomla component for creating forms with extensive professional functions. Proforms is thus ideally suited for beginners and also meets the needs of designers and experts.

4. Mad4Joomla by Mad4Media

Mad4Joomla is a very easy-to-use Joomla component for the creation of email forms. Preferences of this product are a better usability, classification in categories, working with templates, helptext to formfields, file upload as attachment, special routing technics to destination email addresses, integration of content in form pages and a very special new captcha technique. Thereby it is possible to build complex and huge contactsystems. Examples: jobs, reservation, contact, donations, polls etc.

5. ChronoForms by Chrono Man

I always needed to create custom forms for my clients websites, Or to migrate their old websites forms fast and easy to new Joomla websites forms, this was pain, as I was using other components for doing this, and create everything from scratch at web based tools. So I created this tool to let me copy and paste code from old sites or after making it in 5 minutes with any HTML editor (e.g: Macromedia DreamWeaver) ChronoForms, was going to be just a contact forms page, but I have used it to create different forms using advanced techniques and PHP code , so I decided to make it a whole forms component, I wish you will find it helpful, any feedback is very appreciated.

6. bfForms by Blue Flame IT Ltd / Phil Taylor

  • Save to database, export options, unlimited emails
  • GPG Encryption built in for secure emails
  • SSL Support – force forms to only be accepted over SSL
  • UNLIMITED Form generation
  • UNLIMITED Form Fields per form
  • UNLIMITED Submit Actions per form
  • UNLIMITED Form Submissions allowed (Or limit it if you want!)
  • HOSTED ON YOUR SITE, and not our servers
  • Integrated SPAM PROTECTION (Not Captcha!) transparent and configurable
  • Integrated 3rd Party SPAM PROTECTION Plugins
  • Compatible with all known SEF Extensions
  • Compatible with Joomla 1.5.x ONLY
  • Requires PHP5+
  • Fully Supported! and FREE UPGRADES FOR LIFE
  • No other developer has more experience in Form Extensions then Phil Taylor, his first Form component (Phil-A-Form) was the first ever Joomla Forms extension ever created.
  • Developed by a Zend PHP5 Certificated Developer !!!

7. CK Forms by Cookex Team

CKForms is a Joomla 1.5 native component to generate Forms without any development knowledge. CKForms can save data in Database and export them to CSV format. Fields can be validated as text, number, date and email. A File upload field is available. Forms created can be backup and restored easily with one click. An HTML Editor is available and a Captcha code can be used to secure the forms. A plug-in and a module are available to display forms. The layout can be customized with CSS, custom text inserted between fields. Data saved can be displayed in the Front-end interface.

8. Fabrik by Rob Clayburn

Fabrik is THE open source Joomla application builder component. Fabrik gives you the power to create forms and tables that run inside Joomla without requiring knowledge of mySQL and PHP. Then feed your data into Google Maps, Charts or an AJAX based calendar

With Fabrik you can create applications that range in complexity from simple contact forms to complex applications such as a job application site or bug tracking systems.

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